Man in Ocean at sunset

Meetings Listed below ↓↓ have been Vetted by SRG Members

Our Mostly Agnostic Group of Drunks (OMAGOD MEETING)

7:00 PM Eastern Time

They have Brick & Mortar Meetings as well as Zoom

and other important information

​Meeting ID:  343-866-2463
Password:    662463

TO JOIN Zoom Meeting NOW
or HERE for more information and connection options

London Secular Meetings

The following meetings, based in London, are now on Zoom with the following details:

Meeting ID: 398 913 2997
Password: 426710

Bethnal Green Atheists & Agnostics Meditation
Saturday, 6:00 pm to 7:10 pm

Islington Atheists & Agnostics Step
Tuesday, 7:00 pm to 8:15 pm

Islington Atheists & Agnostics
Thursday, 7:00 pm to 8:15 pm

Live and Let Live Group

Meditation and discussion meeting this evening and every Tuesday at 6:30 Central (7:30 Eastern/4:30 Pacific). Download Zoom, then join meeting ID 254-229-6137.


Live and Let Live Group is a secular and LGBTQ-friendly meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous. Secular AA meetings endeavor to maintain a tradition of free expression and conduct a meeting where alcoholics may feel free to express any doubts or dis-beliefs they may have and to share their own personal form of spiritual experience, their search for it, or their rejection of it. In keeping with AA tradition, we do not endorse or oppose any form of religion or atheism. Our only wish is to ensure suffering alcoholics that they can find sobriety in AA without having to accept anyone else’s beliefs or having to deny their own and for LGBTQ alcoholics to recover as their authentic selves. All sexual orientations and gender identities are welcome.

Toronto Agnostics Atheists AA

You are invited:

Every Tuesday at 3 PM Eastern Standard Time, Noon Pacific Time

Hosted by Queen Street West Secular Afternooner AA meeeting from the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) in Toronto’s downtown West-end (Queen and Ossington). This is a secular open discussion meeting

Time: 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Every week on Tue, until Jun 30, 2020, 15 occurrence(s)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 333 790 103

Atheists – Agnostics & All Others

MEETING INVITATION – Members of the Secular Recovery Group are invited to stop by and visit “Atheists, Agnostics & All Others” a secular AA group based in Boise, Idaho, USA.


Online Meetings: Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9-10 Eastern

(that’s 8-9 Central, 7-8 Mountain 6-7 Pacific)

Send an email request to Aa*******@gm***.com for Zoom ID and password.

Questions: https://aa&

San Francisco Freethinkers: Atheist, Agnostic & Others Online Meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous

For the duration of the quarantine, we’re committed to holding meetings via Zoom teleconferencing. Same days and times!

Several ways to attend meetings: computer, smartphone, telephone. All ways connect with the same meeting.

OPTION 1: Video & Audio-Only via computer or smartphone

The first time you connect, you will be prompted to install a piece of software — necessary to participate via computer or smartphone (see below for dial-in options)

Meeting Time Meeting Link Passcode Meeting # Code (for phone)
Sunday Step Study 11:00 AM 219538 273-766-058
Tuesday Atheist Agnostics & Others 7:00 PM 919454 372-811-010
Friday Atheists Agnostics & Others 7:30 PM 818455 250-625-220
Saturday Atheists, Agnostics & Others 11:00 AM 156220 914-770-925

OPTION 2: Dial in to meetings

If you prefer to call into the online meeting via regular phone line, or to not install software — or just want the increased privacy (neither your name nor phone number will be displayed)

You can dial into any of the following numbers — once connected, you’ll be prompted to key in the “Meeting #” (above) via touch-tone keypad.

U.S. Phone Number
+1 253 215 8782
+1 301 715 8592
+1 312 626 6799
+1 346 248 7799
+1 646 558 8656
+1 669 900 9128